Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What a succes

Whitesunday... Mothering Sunday in the Netherlands... what to do on such a day?

Well, a few tremendous people, amongst whom Lizzy’s parents, two young men and a very nice lady who runs a café, decided to organize a 24 hours marathon in darts for the benefit of the crisis centre of Incognito Khulani Simunye.

The two men, Bart and Bart, would play during 24 hours against people who pass by in the café.

The marathon started on Sunday, May 11 at 2 p.m. and ended on Monday, May 12 at 2 p.m.

Success? Enormously ! A nice amount was gathered. Each participant paid €10 to play against one of the boys.

At the same time there was a tombola for which people could buy lottery-tickets.

If there was any enthusiasm and animation ? Sure there was! My dear mother and Veerle were also present and they would not have been good Belgians if they hadn’t poked fun on Dutch ground ! The picture shows it clearly enough.

Via this way I want to thank Bart & Bart and the dear lady of the café extra for what they did.

Also Lizzy’s parents who recommended our organization for the marathon.

We will certainly keep you updated.


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